
Friday 12 December 2014

honey rose cucumber limeade

Hello, everyone!

With all the travel that I've been doing, it's been a while since my last recipe post... so here's one, to mix things up a little.

This drink may seem quite unusual, but it is inspired by an Indonesian drink, "es timun", which is, in essence, a cucumber limeade. I made the original version a while ago, but have since played with the concept a little by using honey instead of sugar, and splashed in some rose water as well, just for touch of floral fancy.

Honey rose cucumber limeade.

honey rose cucumber limeade (serves 4)

4 limes, juiced
1 teaspoon rose water
3 tablespoons honey
4 cups water
1 Lebanese cucumber, grated
12 ice cubes

In a big pitcher, stir lime juice, rose water and honey together. Pour water in gradually, continuing to stir as you do, just to make sure all the honey is dissolved. You may chill this solution in the fridge, or use it immediately.
When you are ready to serve the drink, divide freshly grated cucumber and ice into 4 glasses, then pour in the lime-rose-honey solution. Serve immediately.

Honey rosewater cucumber limeade.


  1. This sounds absolutely wonderful. And would be amazing with a good splash of Hendricks gin (which has both cucumber and rose in the aromatics).

  2. Welcome back! You've been missed. I love love love the sound of this... so refreshing and so unusual. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love your honey and rose adjustments to this recipe. It is exactly what it needed!

  4. what a beautiful colour, and the flavours are delicious. mmm, and I can't help but agree, a little gin would be good on a hot summer's evening.

    1. A little gin and a summer evening... does sound enticing. x

  5. Yum, this looks delicious! I love cucumbers in drinks, and rose water in anything.

  6. I have never grated cucumber into a drink, but this has me willing to try.

    1. It adds texture - something a little different, I guess!

  7. you seriously have the best, most creative drink recipes. i am so inspired by you! also, i have so much to catch up on …it's overwhelming.

    1. Thank you, I feel I have a lot to catch up on too from the non-travel part of my life! Getting back into it... :)
