
Sunday 6 July 2014

i am quitting my job to travel.

After seven years at my company, I'm quitting my job, and leaving Melbourne, to travel.

It is difficult to leave behind the people at work, with whom I've spent the larger part of my life for such a long time.

It is difficult to leave behind a steady job, and the fortnightly payments that provide me with a sense of financial security.

It is difficult to leave behind my friends and relatives here, and I wish we had caught up more often.

It is difficult to give up the lease on my little apartment in South Yarra, and it is difficult to leave Melbourne, for I have come to see it as my home.

Yet, despite all these elements tugging at my heartstrings, I feel it would be a mistake if I continued with my routine. The past seven years have gone by fast, with each year going by even quicker than the one before.

My life right now, right here, is great. I am happy. Yet I am also restless, wanting more. Wanting to break free from the 9 to 5, to do something a little different, to explore more of what I can do beyond the cubicle.

I am afraid that if I stay, I will wake up one day another seven years later, wondering where all that time has gone. Wondering if things could have been different, if only I had been willing to take a risk.

And for years, Simon has yearned to travel. Not just for a few weeks every year. No, a few months, at least. With the option for an extension. Perhaps even with the option of being a digital nomad, travelling indefinitely.

So here we are, doing this together. The world is out there, and it's waiting for us.

Stepping into the unknown.


  1. Such a big big step for you and Simon. I wish I was a brave as you guys, being able to release all the trappings and routines of our comfortable lives here and seeking what the heart is truly calling for.

    Please please try to blog your adventures when you have the time. I'd be so looking forward to seeing what you guys get up to! All the best to you both... *hugs*!!

    1. I have to say, it took me a long time to become comfortable with the idea. I love to travel and try new things, but financial security is also a big deal for me. Finally, we're doing it! And I'm still scared. Haha. I'll definitely try to keep up with my blogging, for sure!

  2. Amazing! Congratulations! I bet you'll be able to sell a bunch of articles to various food and travel magazines as you go, too.

    1. I hope so! We'll see how pro-active and productive I can be while on the road. :D

  3. Good for you! This is a once in a life time opportunity and I really think you are doing the right thing. Good luck with your new adventure!

  4. Wow, good for you! I am always envious and admiring of people who do this, we only have one life and why on earth be stuck behind a computer or in a long term job if you don't have to?

    I second wanting to hear about your travels so would love it if you could possibly continue blogging, if only on a sporadic basis.

    1. I will definitely strive to keep my blog updated. As you say, it may be sporadic, but I hope to still be able to post a few times a month, as I do now. :)

  5. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. You know I cheer for and applaud and understand all of this completely, for it's exactly what I did two years ago now. The sense of suffocating sameness, the sense that you can see exactly how the next ten years will pan out in Australia, that it will all be exactly as it was before... what's the point of this one glorious, challenging, crazy, quick, blissful, sticky, wonderful life we have if we don't seek adventure and try our darndest to fill our souls with joy?

    Pushing yourself to reach for the stars—or to reach for something that you don't even know exists yet—is effervescence, it's delight, it's the hardest thing and the easiest thing. You are going to exhilarate your soul. I did. This is the best decision ever. All my love!! xoxoxo

    1. Oh Hannah, you say it so well, with so much zest and eloquence! You were an inspiration back then and you are still an inspiration now. I am so happy things have worked out so wonderfully for you - a testament to how rewarding it can be when you just get out there and go for it. Much love! xoxoxo

  6. That is such a bold step to take, congratulations. Here is to happy travels and lots of amazing food that you eat while you travel :)

  7. when i read people following their hearts, listening to their yearnings and acting on them - i am filled with inspiration and amazement and such positivity. i'm with hannah - i applaud you for steppign into the unknown and doing what so many of us are scared to do.
    i hope we get to hear of your new life and adventures with all its twists and turn, under a new guide perhaps?
    here's to your tomorrows!

    1. I will continue to post here, though I am also thinking about starting another blog to showcase the boyfriend's travel photography. We'll see how things go! :D

  8. I can't tell you how much I admire you for taking the risk. It will be worth it. Don't think about what could go bad, think about what could go right!!

    1. Thanks! I do worry a fair bit, but yeah, chances are it'll be absolutely fan-freakin'-fabulous.

  9. You are so brave and amazing! I can't help but wish I could do the same but with a new mortgage at hand, I can only sit back and be so jealous :) Can't wait to meet you for the first time and hear all about your grand plans!

    1. Oh, but I would love to have my own place one day, too! :) So looking forward to seeing you!

  10. Congratulations! That is amazing. We are hoping (planning) to make a jump like this in the next few years, so I hope you'll continue to post updates.

    1. Oh, how exciting for you, too! I definitely intend to continue blogging. Looking forward to seeing you make the leap as well. :D

  11. Wow, congratulations for making such a brave life changing move! Your thoughts about each year passing by quicker and the brooding sense of sameness is something anyone caught up in the daily grind can relate to. I know I do! It's great that you're taking that leap of faith to explore the world. It's always sad to leave people behind, but what I've realised is that even if you don't leave, others eventually will anyway (if not to travel, they will move on with their lives ie. have families and leave a different emotional void). Like many of the other comments, I too am equal parts jealous and inspired by your decision. All the best in your travels abroad and please do keep posting when you get the chance every once in a blue moon x

    1. Thank you for your wise words - so true what you say about how other people will leave, even if you don't. I have seen so many come and go from my social circles. Things are always changing. I will certainly do my best to continue to post, and hopefully I will be doing so more frequently than just once in a blue moon. :)

  12. Oh, I am so excited for you both! Best wishes for the adventures ahead.

  13. my friend did something like pay there way her husband got in touch with travel mags and different publishing company before hand.they then got interested in seeing some of his shots from around the world and bought many off him.also the stock image websites out there sometimes buy that sort of thing.
    my friend,she did a regualr travel feature for a online mag and got paid for that.i know you mentioned being a bit freaked about the money and being secure so maybe some options like this you could explore.
    they also got the usual bar work,but at summer camps when the kids were around too and even did stints with the big company like canvas and eurocamp either helping in kitchen supermarhce on site or with the general working of the campsites.they enjoyed it thoroughly.
    good luckxx

    1. Thank you so much for your insight! This sounds like an avenue we can explore. I've thought about it but haven't contacted any publishers yet, so I appreciate the encouragement. Things are hectic at the moment, but I'll definitely start getting in touch with people before we go on our trip. We have savings, but it would be so great to have income as well so that we don't end up broke after our travels. Thanks again. :D

  14. Woohoo! Having been in your shoes a little over a year ago I can confidently say you'll have no regrets. EXCITING!

    1. Yay! I knew you would be on board with this one! ;)

  15. Not sure how I missed this ... congratulations on taking such a great big, exciting step!

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