
Thursday 23 January 2014

papaya carob smoothie

Papaya carob smoothie.

Surprisingly, this January hasn't been stupidly busy at work as previous years have indicated, but there are still distractions galore. My parents have been visiting and I've been enjoying their company, the Australian Open is on and I've been enjoying tennis, and, you know... other life stuff.

Which is why I'm giving you this super-simple smoothie recipe. It's really just a two-ingredient affair if you don't count the water and ice cube components. All you gotta do is get yourself some deliciously toasty carob powder, some sweetly smooth papaya, and you're set.

Roasted carob powder.

A quick background on the idea behind this papaya carob smoothie. I visited my sister a few months ago, and was quite intrigued by the latest dietary changes she has made for her son's sake, in accordance to a book called The Eczema Diet by Karen Fischer - with good results, it seems, if his skin's improvement is anything to go by. And for the first time, I had a taste of roasted carob powder, and fell in love. Carob is often used as a substitute to chocolate and therefore compared in unfavourable terms, but that is doing it a disservice. No, it doesn't taste exactly like chocolate, but it's magnificent in its own right - so delightfully malty with a hint of nuttiness and caramel.

This papaya carob smoothie, then, is a recipe I devised, based on the list of eczema-safe ingredients in the book. I have to confess that I don't tend to get excited about papaya, but with carob? Bring it on!

Fresh papaya.

1 cup papaya flesh (approx. 140g)
1.5 tablespoons roasted carob powder
1/2 cup water or soy milk or rice milk
4 ice cubes

Whiz all ingredients together until smooth... and it's ready to pour, drink and enjoy.

Papaya smoothie with the special touch of roasted carob powder.


  1. It sounds like a very unusual combination to me, but I do love papayas when it's made into smoothies and need to familiarise myself with carob more! Been lax with smoothie making these months, should get back to it. By the way do you ever feel scared of whizzing ice into your smoothies simply? I keep thinking it'll blunt the blades!

    1. Ice is fine as long as the blades are strong enough, though I have no idea if it blunts them. I've actually also read that blending ice is a good way to keep the blades clean!

  2. Sounds like a sensational combo. Love papaya, never had carob … but prepared to take your "think outside the square" lead. Nice work.

    1. I'm really liking carob. Had it again in a few homemade smoothies this weekend. :D

  3. I literally just had half a papaya! I might just save the other half to try this out. It's gonna be a scorcher tomorrow! I can always rely on you for tips

    1. Yeah it looks like we have another hot week coming up! Stay cool! :)

  4. Not sure how I feel about carob, but it looks delicious!

    1. I'm definitely here to spread the love about carob. :D

  5. carob powder? I learn something new today! will have to check it out.
