
Wednesday 1 May 2013

honey yoghurt beetroot smoothie

honey yoghurt beetroot smoothie.

It's autumn now, and nearly winter, but I'm clearly still in denial, still making bright and cheerful smoothies. Indeed, why not? They are so easy, so delicious, so satisfying. And today's beetroot smoothie is so, so wonderfully pink, in a fuchsia-magenta kind of way. It is also sweet, earthy, and revitalising.

In other words, wherever you're at, be it cool or warm... if beetroot is in season, this is a smoothie that you should seriously consider making.

A happy pair of sweet, earthy beetroot smoothies.

honey yoghurt beetroot smoothie 
(serves 2)

1 small beetroot, peeled and chopped (approx. 150g / 1/3lb)
1 cup milk
1/2 cup unsweetened natural or greek yoghurt
2 tablespoons honey
8 ice cubes

Whiz everything together in a blender until smooth. Pour into glasses, and serve.

You may strain the mixture to remove any grittiness from beetroot roughage, but as I am lazy and appreciate the extra fibre, I didn't bother.


  1. Mmm! These juicy smoothie posts of yours really make me long for a blender. My food processor just doesn't cut it!

    Beautiful beautiful color:)

    1. Yes, love my blender! Perhaps you could get one in time for summer. ;)

  2. Pinkest smoothie ever! :)

  3. Beetroot? It looks fabulous but I'm not sure about the flavour ... I'm guessing I'd have to try to find out though :)

  4. Must. Not. Yell. About. Six. Months. Of. Winter.

    Must. Not.

    Preeeety smoothie. I can say that calmly. ;)

    1. Awwwwww. I hope the weather warms up soon for you! x

  5. I love love love beets! I have been drinking beet juice in the morning from my juicer and it is just delicious, I've never thought of making a beet smoothie before, though. Such a great idea!

    1. If you love beet juice you'll almost certainly love this beet smoothie as well, I reckon. :D

  6. I've been mad on spinach smoothies lately, but never thought of adding beetroot! Or having a beetroot exclusive smoothie! Love the colour :)

    1. Beetroot is awesome in smoothies, and especially in yoghurt smoothies like this one, I think. Something about how the earthy meets the creamy. Yum. :D

  7. YUM! looks beautiful!!! :) would never have thought to try a pure beetroot smoothie! Do you think it'd work with canned beets? xx

    1. I've never tried this with canned beets, and in fact have never used canned beets before, so I'm not sure. But I think it should work. And given that canned beets are already cooked and softened, the taste may be slightly different, but could have the bonus of yielding a smoother texture. :)

  8. mmm, looks wonderful leaf, the colour is fantastic!
    Will have to wait a while here though - no beetroots
    around for a few months!!

    1. Aw, hopefully you still remember this smoothie when beetroots are in season for you! :)

  9. There are few chances in life to eat/drink anything that's fuchsia-magenta — particularly healthy concoctions like this. Excellent post. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Healthy, nourishing, accessible, beautiful. Leaf strikes again!!!

  11. that looks so good! i just started making green smoothies (totally influenced by Ashley) and i think I might make a pink one soon!

    1. Give it a go! I've been religiously making green smoothies since February this year I think it was, when I went on a raw food diet for one-and-a-half days. :D

  12. Love the vibrant colours! I really need to get onto the smoothie band wagon

    1. Yes, you should! Smoothies are awesome AND easy, what's not to love? :D

  13. Yay for beetroots! They make everything look doubly beautiful. I wasn't very successful the last time I tried beetroot in a smoothie, but I should redeem myself and try out this recipe.

    1. Oh just saw this, but yes, you should definitely give this a go, see if it works for you! :)

  14. Silly question, but did you cook the beetroot first, or just use it raw? Looks amazing and I have a whole bag of beets waiting to be used!

    1. Hey Sarah, thanks for coming by! I used raw beetroot for this. I imagine cooking them would give a smoother texture, but I like the freshness of raw - plus there's less work to do! There will be a slight grittiness, but you can strain it out. Or if you have a juicer, you can juice the beetroot first before blending it with the other ingredients. But personally I like to just keep it simple for a lazy smoothie. :)

    2. Great, thanks for that! Yeah I love the laziness involved in making a smoothie, and I wouldn't want to make it too complicated! ;) I'll definitely be trying this with raw beetroot. :)

    3. Cool, if you come by here again I'd love to know how you went with it. :D
