
Wednesday 25 April 2012

jiro dreams of sushi

A ten-seat sushi restaurant tucked away in a Tokyo subway station. An elderly sushi chef obsessed with his craft. A three-Michelin-star rating.

It's enough to make anyone dream of booking the trip and shelling out the 30,000+ yen for the omakase of their life.

Jiro Ono, the man himself. Photo courtesy of Magnolia Pictures.

If you have a love for the refined art of Japanese food, Jiro Dreams of Sushi is one documentary that will tug at your tummy-strings.

But the movie is more than just a series of mouthwatering sequences involving raw fish and vinegared rice.

This is the story of a man who, well into his 80s, eschews retirement in favour of a lifelong journey towards perfection at his world-renowned restaurant, Sukiyabashi Jiro. It is the story of a chef's dedication to his work, and, along the way, a glimpse of a father's relationship with his sons.

A big hunk of fresh tuna. Photo courtesy of Magnolia Pictures.

Director David Gelb infuses Jiro Dreams of Sushi with a fittingly reverie-like quality; and the lilting beauty of the Philip Glass score is one that sings to the heart.

In the end, though, the indelible mark left in my mind - the one that almost sends chills down my spine - is Jiro's unwavering, enduring joy in what he does: "I feel ecstatic all day... I love making sushi."

After all these years.

Jiro's sushi. Photo courtesy of Magnolia Pictures.


  1. I watched this last year, and utterly loved it. His fingers danced so so gracefully to the soundtrack of Phillip Glass, very poetic documentary, in my opinion.

    The movie sparked me on a omakase hunt in Melbourne, but I could only find Shira Nui as the one place that does that.

    1. Poetic is a very apt description! I've been to Shira Nui but not for their omakase. Should try it one day. I think there are other places in Melbourne that do omakase, too, though...

  2. Ooh, I've been meaning to watch this! It really does sound beautiful...will have to get onto it before it flies out of Nova!

    1. I believe it'll run at Cinema Nova till early May, and then Palace Cinemas will start screening it! :)

  3. Isn't that the dream? To feel ecstatic in your job, year after year? Oh, if only we could all be so lucky!

  4. I love this movie - it makes my heart sing. As someone who's constantly wondering if I'm in the right field, I was so moved by this man's quest to do what he loves regardless of perceived barriers... just wonderful.

  5. Thank you for this documentary suggestion. We watch 4-5 documentaries a week and are always looking for recommendations. We adore sushi and remember our time living in Japan with such fondness that this film will be perfect for us.

    1. I think you'll like this, then! Let me know your thoughts if you get around to watching it.

  6. Wow, that sounds like an incredible documentary. I really want to watch it!

  7. Thank you for this reccomendation. I am going to watch this on the weekend! Great review :)

  8. I can only imagine the feeling of being ecstatic in your job every day, after goodness knows how many years. I love sushi, one day I plan on being rich enough to try his.

    1. That would be a pretty awesome feeling, wouldn't it? I'd love to try that sushi too.

  9. What a great recommendation. I can't wait to see this. I love food-related films & documentaries ... When I'm not reading or writing about food, that is!

  10. I need to watch this then! LOVE Japanese food!

  11. Man this documentary sounds beautiful. Especially when you say that it's not just about the food but the relationships with people in Jiro's life. It's always heartwarming to see how relationships can be celebrated through food and vice versa. Writing this down so I can watch it in the holidays, thank you, Leaf!

    1. Yes, I think you'll like it. The relationship aspects are interesting. :)

  12. I can't imagine loving a job for that long. He gets a high-5 from me!

  13. Aaaaaah Jiro Dreams of Sushi... I just love love love that documentary. So much passion and dedication to the wonderful art of healthy eating.
    Jiro, I salute you.

  14. I really want to see this documentary, not to mention that I really, really want to go to the restaurant in Japan.

    1. Ah, I'd love to visit his restaurant... or his son's!

  15. .º°❤
    °º✿ Olá, amiga!
    Que saudade!!!!!!!!!

    °º✿ Beijinhos.
    º° ✿ ✿ Brasil

  16. loved this... I’ll have to track down a copy of the documentary... there's something irresistibly attractive about doing something out of genuine enjoyment and artistry.

    1. Yes, it really shows through the documentary how much he cares about making good sushi.

  17. oh I really want to watch this now! It sounds so interesting.

  18. Yes, I have been wanting to see this film!!! Can't wait.

  19. I can't wait to see this movie. And I am going to work tomorrow on feeling ecstatic all day. :)

    1. That's glorious! Here's to an ecstatic day and many more in the future. :D
