
Wednesday 7 March 2012

mango salad smoothie

mango salad smoothie.

Hello, everyone. I'm back! I had a wonderfully relaxing time in Byron Bay and Sydney... but it's all over now. Sniffle. I'm slowly adjusting to the daily grind and routine of work, errands, and other obligatory things I feel like I should do as A Responsible Adult.

I'm also still going through my photos and writing up my post about the trip, but in the meantime, with the mango season coming to an end in Australia, here's a quick smoothie idea while you can still find these succulent orange beauties in the markets.

This mango smoothie is creamy, fruity... and green. Yes, you will find not only dairy and fruit in this lush beverage, but also a sneaky handful of salad leaves. The appearance gives it away, but the taste is almost imperceptible, depending on how generous you are with that handful.

Easily whipped up in a matter of minutes, this smoothie makes a delightfully nutrient-rich breakfast. Protein? Check. Vitamins? Check. Minerals? Check. Deliciousness? Check!

mango salad smoothie, aka green mango smoothie

1 small ripe mango (approx. 300g / 2/3 lb), cold from the fridge - peeled, deseeded and roughly chopped
1 handful mixed salad leaves (1 loose cup)
1/4 cup plain natural yoghurt
1/4 cup cold milk
a few ice cubes, and sugar or honey to taste (optional - only if you want it colder and/or sweeter)

Blend all ingredients together and serve immediately. Enjoy while daydreaming about your next holiday.

a cool green mango smoothie. yes.


  1. Hey, I like your glass! I wish I could see the whole thing =( It's great how you jumped straight back into blogging after just being back! I've actually never added salad leaves to my smoothies. Where do you get these ideas from? Or am I the only person who's never thought of it lol. I wanna see if I can get more mangoes from the market (for cheap) this week. Can't wait for your next post -- yay! =D

    1. For some reason the photos with the whole glass didn't look good - my photography skills are still in need of improvement, heh.
      Green smoothies have actually been around for awhile and are particularly popular amongst those who are really into super-healthy living. I go easy on the greens, though, because I still like my smoothies to taste more like fruits than vegetables... but never say never. ;)

  2. What a great idea. :) I will try adding salad leaves to smoothies next time.

    1. It's a handy way to add those leafy greens to the diet. :D

  3. Wow! I never would have thought of putting salad greens in a smoothie, but this looks and sounds lovely. I am a breakfast smoothie person, so I'll have to give this a try. Thanks!

    1. I too am a breakfast smoothie person. Just made another one today, too!

  4. What pretty greens! I can't wait for warm weather here so I can grow my own:)

  5. So fresh and beautifully green. I love the fact that people put spinach or salad or rocket in their smoothies (heck, I put rocket in my gazpacho sometimes!). BTW welcome back, hope you had time to relax and forget a bit about adult responsabilities and stuff. Because, yeah, being an adult does suck sometimes... that's why we go on holiday =P (it's a public institution in France ^^')
    Take care and thanks! xxx

    1. It's just so easy to chuck them in here and there, isn't it? Thanks, it was nice being on holiday and not having to worry about the usual things at work, etc. :)

  6. Teehee, I too often use just a handful of salad green instead of straight baby spinach, as seems to be more common in the blogosphere. Here's to desperately holding onto aspects of summer!! Can't wait to hear about the trip :)

    1. I'm actually still yet to try a green smoothie with spinach, but I'm sure I shall, eventually! Oh and nice sunny day today here, yay. :D

  7. reminds me a little of mango lassi!

    1. I suppose it is quite similar, especially if you increase the yoghurt content!

  8. Absolutely gorgeous! I love the fact that this is not just mango but that you've incorporated lovely greens...such a great idea for enhancing taste and nutrients and so darn pretty too! ;-).

    1. Thank you! It was a very enjoyable smoothie and it felt good to know it was extra-healthy with the greens too. :D

  9. glad you had a great time!! this looks delicious, and v different, great!
    Heidi xo

  10. A great way to sneak those extra greens into your diet.

  11. All I heard was relaxing blah blah blah... Hahahah... so happy you got some good time off to relax.. albeit a bit jealous!

  12. Brilliant! I would never thought of salad green in the smoothies. I think mango will work the best for that. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks! The sweetness and fragrance of mangoes do work really well here. :)

  13. This looks awesome. I love mango salad and you have made it into a beautiful smoothie! Green mango is so good for you and it is so different to ripe mango.

    1. I actually did use ripe mango - the green was referring to the colour of the smoothie, sorry for any confusion! I do love green mangoes too, though, in various other culinary applications...

  14. I thought i was seeing things as i was reading about mango smoothie and looking at a photo of a green smoothie. A great way to use up those itty bitty salad greens. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I was surprised that the orange colour of the mango was completely usurped, but adored the pale pastel green colour that was churned out in the end!

  15. I love the addition of salad greens in there for that vegetable-y mango smoothie. :)

  16. Like dayem! What a great idea. Sweet and your getting some greens at the same time.

  17. I've only recently discovered that I can slip spinach etc into smoothies and the reluctant teens don't ever notice - brilliant, isn't it!
    And, oh, isn't it sad how quickly the holiday fades.

    1. It really is utter brilliance. So easy and tastes good too.

  18. Welcome back! Oh how I wish mangoes were cheaper in New Zealand - their flavour and texture is just perfect in smoothies.

    1. They're not always cheap in Australia either, but sometimes you do get a good deal!

  19. this is wonderful I love the idea of mango smoothie but great this one has the extra nutrients :)

  20. Oooooh :) What a wonderful idea... most of the time salad dies an awful death in my fridge and is never ever used. Might make more smoothies.
    As for RESPONSIBLE ADULT TIME, meh... I can only relate. Good luck!
    Hope your time in Byron Bay did shelter you from the obligations of everyday life. Take care!
