
Friday 26 August 2011

orange butter brussels sprouts, sugared pecan crumble

Brussels sprouts. Some think they are the work of the devil. Others sing their praises to high heaven. Me? I don't mind them at all, and can, in fact, be quite fond of them when they are done right. I often cook my Brussels sprouts in a broth over medium-low heat until they're tender and infused with flavours - I find that this keeps them from turning bitter, and brings out their gentler side.

I made these orangey, buttery, nutty Brussels sprouts as a side for lunch recently, and while I don't regard it as my best work, the dish definitely passed the I-can-easily-eat-it-all test, so I am fairly content. Simon liked it even more - he ardently pronounced it delicious. Our enthusiasm for the same dish can often vary, and hey, I certainly do not complain when he's more keen on my dishes than I am - it can be a nice boost for the ego, and serves as a nice reminder that taste is a personal thing.

Without further ado, here's the recipe!

brussels sprouts dressed up with orange butter and sugared pecan crumble

orange butter brussels sprouts with sugared pecan crumble

200g Brussels sprouts
1 small orange
1/4 cup pecans
1/2 teaspoon raw sugar
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup water or vegetable stock
salt and black pepper, to taste

Halve or quarter the Brussels sprouts lengthwise, depending on their size.
Zest and juice the orange.
In a pan, lightly toast the pecans until fragrant. Grind together with sugar and half of the orange zest with a mortar and pestle until it takes on a coarse sandy appearance. Set aside.
In a saucepan, gently fry Brussels sprouts in butter for 1 minute, turning and tossing them around. Add in orange juice (approximately 1/4 cup), the remaining orange zest, and water or vegetable stock. Let it simmer for about 5 minutes or until just tender.
Season with salt and pepper to taste and sprinkle with zesty sugared pecan crumble.

orange butter brussels sprouts with sugared pecan crumble


  1. I quite like a brussels sprout, but I am sceptical about the crumble with them! I prefer a more savoury treatment.

  2. It is an unusual treatment Foodycat, and I'll admit quite an experiment, but when I ate it I found the contrast pleasant - not strange as might be expected. And Simon really liked it, more than I did. But I definitely see how this can be a controversial dish! :)

  3. I cooked them yesterday night for the first time! With walnuts! I'd love to try your recipe indeed!

  4. Thank you! And I'll try it with walnuts too one day! :D

  5. I love brussel sprouts. must be because i love asparagus. :)

  6. Words cannot express the depth of my love for brussels sprouts. I used to just eat them plain, microwaved - that's how much I loved 'em. This looks stellar!

  7. Michelle - yes I like both!

    Thanks Hannah! And I have to say, your passion for Brussels sprouts is quite amazing. :p

  8. ooh brussel sprouts... im a fan of them cause of the texture. really like biting into it but do find that it can be abit of bitter sometimes... then i just add more melted butter haha.. and sometimes im not sure if its cuz its too old or overcooked... but this sounds like a good way to mask the bitterness... your recipes are one of a kind, seriously! love reading them. thx for sharing! =D

  9. Brussels sprout crunch and pecan crunch, I'm liking the texture profile there and orange to round of the taste.
    Looks like a side for a great roast, something I really miss right now.

  10. Thanks Winston! Your lovely comments really brighten up my day. Yeah, I'm not really sure why sometimes they're bitter and other times less so, either. Must experiment!

    Thanks PFx! Indeed, I think this would go great with a pork roast. :D

  11. Arrgghh.. poison ! Poison!! Hahahahah... I do recall you were going to post this recipe up and was trying to avoid visiting :P But look, I understand that there are some people who have odd tastes and like Brussels Sprouts, but I still like them (the people, not the sprouts)!

  12. thats ok! ive bookmarked this recipe and a few others, including ur spinach chips recipe that i came across while browsing haha. they were pure genius! and fun to make/feed loved ones with. have a great weekend! =)

  13. Haha msihua! Well, I'm glad you still like me after my Brussels sprouts post. ;)

    Thanks Winston, I hope you enjoy them! You have a great weekend too. :D

  14. I heart brussels to death! well, not to death but I love them long time. Praise to any bloggers who write about the sprout!
    T x

  15. Really interesting, Leaf! As always I admire your creativity. I'm also a brussels sprout lover... I fell in love with them in Amsterdam - they're really sweet and tender in Holland for some reason.

    Ultimately if Simon gave them a thumbs up I'd say you won this battle :)

  16. Love them too, especially steamed and drizzled with a nice EVOO and some salt and black pepper :)

  17. I am always happy to find a new way to enjoy Brussels sprouts, and this looks like a keeper!

  18. Thanks Miss T! They do seem to be a misunderstood vegetable. :p

    Those sweet and tender Brussels sprouts from Holland sound beautiful, Yasmeen. Strangely, the nicest ones I had came from a frozen bag. Yes, always happy when Simon likes something I made. :D

    chopinandmysaucepan, I dig the sound of your method - nice and simple. :)

    Thanks Trix!

  19. Oh yes, I enjoy brussel sprouts when done right. They can be pungently disgusting when over-cooked and that is devil-ish :O

  20. I would love to try this dish, but my partner won't touch brussel sprouts with a 10-foot fork, lol. I'd love to try it with another vegetable though, maybe carrots?

  21. Thanks for visiting my blog! This dish sounds delicious!

  22. I've had some bitter sprouts, but I think I've managed to avoid the really, really horrible ones that you speak of, tigerfish, and I must say for that I'm grateful!

    Thanks Jasmyne, would your partner eat asparagus or broccoli? I think either of those could work here as a replacement for Brussels sprouts.

    Thanks Hovkonditorn! :)

  23. I love brussels sprouts! I know most people don't but what's not to love about a chewy little cabbage?
    I've never fixed them in a sweet way like this before but It sounds liek a luscious combination!

  24. I'm a huge fan of brussell sprouts - what a great and easy way to add some nutty sweetness to them!

  25. I am ahuge fan of brussel sprouts!!

  26. Rachel, I always see them as miniature cabbages too! :D

    Thanks Maia!

    Thanks for coming by Anh. :)

  27. I simply adore brussels sprouts. The dressing sounds sweet and tasty - thanks!

  28. I have bad memories of brussels sprouts... but your dish looks amazing! This is on my list of must makes!!
