
Wednesday 15 June 2011

books for cooks, fitzroy

Cheery foodie decor at Books for Cooks on Gertrude St, Fitzroy.

Books for Cooks (233-235 Gertrude Street, Fitzroy) is a little gem of a specialist bookshop I stumbled upon recently whilst doing a late-night Google search for cookbooks in Melbourne. A store that sells nothing but books on food! What a wonderful concept. I visited the very next day...

Books for Cooks - a down-to-earth and warmly inviting space.

I adored the place immediately: on a cold winter's day, it embraced me like a warm hug, with its wooden floorboards, well-worn couches, and, of course, the books. The floor-to-ceiling shelves of books. Books on regional cuisine. Books on baking. Books on the art and science of cooking. Books on restaurants. Books on wine. Books, books, books... books full of words, pictures and recipes... all stuffed together in one cosy bookshop and jostling to delight a food-loving girl like me.

I loved perusing the cookbooks in the South American section.

I'd only just bought two books I really wanted a week prior to this visit, so I satisfied myself with merely a leisurely browse before sinking into the big couch by the window for a little rest and relaxation. Most conveniently, there was a shelf of books on South American cuisine just beside me - what a treat! I flipped through a few before going on my merry way, feeling a renewed sense of enthusiasm towards the cooking I planned to do later that day, and making a mental note to return to this lovely cushy cookbook haven the next time I want to buy a little piece of food inspiration...


  1. What if we get hungry after reading all the food books? A cafe might complement this concept well :)

  2. Cookbooks section in a bookstore feels like the most sweetest candy section in a candy store. I can stay there for ages and still come back the next day. Cool shop!

  3. chopinandmysaucepan - that is an awesome idea!!

    PFx, you'd love this place! :D

  4. i have only one cookbook in hand. :D

  5. Now *this* is the kind of place that I desperately hope doesn't get crushed by the Book Depository boom!!

  6. Ooh, I passed this place sometime last week...really should pop in sometime! I love your photos!! :)

  7. Michelle - I have maybe a handful, but would be happy to accumulate more if the price is right!

    Hannah, I agree! I love Book Depository but I also plan to support Books for Cooks with a purchase every now and then.

    Aw thanks Ashley! And it's definitely worth popping in the next time you're in the area! :)

  8. OOoOooOoOOOOooOooo *Wide eyed* OoOoOOoo.. my heart skipped a beat there too :)

  9. No fair! I want to be able to visit that store!!!!!!!

  10. That bookstore sounds like an absolute dream! Whenever I go to any bookstore, the cookbook section is always where I head first. A whole store solely devoted to food-y business is just too cool.

  11. Love this place and will be here more often considering Borders have all shut down!

  12. damn, I wanna sit all day in that shop!

  13. I will be the first to go there when one like this open in the place I live.

  14. I have always loved book stores, I love how cosy and welcoming this looks!

  15. I was in Melbourne visiting friends a few months ago and passed by this shop, but didn't get to go in. It was pouring rain that day and I still regret that I didn't drag my soggy self into the store. It sounds like a cooks dream!

  16. it is too long since I have been there - it is such a great place and I love to sit down in an armchair and browse a pile of books (with purchases in mind of course)

  17. Thanks everyone for dropping by! Perhaps I'll bump into you at Books for Cooks one day. ;)
